Award Winning Producer | Songwriter | Author | Composer | Engineer | Arranger
Marion Meadows
Featuring Lisa Fishcer
I am constantly asked who got me started as a record producer. I decided that I would share this with the world. It is so very important to give honor where honor is due. So many times producers, musicians, songwriters, etc get a serious case of amnesia when it comes to their humble beginnings and the early stages of learning their craft.
As an 18 year old kid, I was working in a studio in East Hartford Connecticut called The Gallery. Just doing my thing, trying to record my songs. I honestly didn't have a true understanding as to what record production entailed. I just did what was in my heart and mind to do. One day a gentleman by the name of Harold Sargent came in for his session which was after mine. As I humbly apologized for not being out when he arrived, he began to say " no no no, hold up. Im' hearing what you are doing and I think you have a nack for this. You just need to spend more time working at it and if you don't mind, I would like for you to hang around. I think I can help you understand more about what you are doing. Becasue I really don't think you understand what you've got!" I was like, "Wow, ok!"
Over the course of the next few years, he took me under his wing and made me learn the grueling process of true authentic record production. I grew to understand the true essence of the words "Record Producer" because of this man. He never let anything slide during my time with him. No excuses for half stepping. It was a time in my life that I will NEVER forget!
There has not been one gold or platinum record I have produced that I didn't think of him and his selfless sowing of knowledge into my life. There has not been one number one record that I produced that I didn't re-live those sessions with him in the early days.
Harold, I want to let the millions of people who have purchased and listened to my work, who you are and why I continued to do what I do. Thank you for all you have done! I will always remember and never forget what and who you are, and have been to me!
Much Love,
Your Little Bro
Rahni Song